Rising Sun Rock Festival 2022 Details

One such musical festival was recently organised and as expected people show their interest and get super excited about it. Yes, you are assuming right we are talking about one of the top Summer rock festivals in Japan “The Rising Sun Rock Festival 2022”. The music festival was introduced in the year 1999 and the first full-scale Japan which is all night outdoor musical event. Many musical concerts are organised on many stages. This festival is organised for two days which means 2 days are full of excitement, energy and of course music.

Rising Sun Rock Festival 2022: Wikipedia

This is an annual musical festival organised in Ishikari which is in Hokkaido exactly located in Japan. The event is held by WESS. The musical event features particularly indie and Japanese rock performances. The genre of this event is hip hop, rock, electric dance music, and pop. It is two days all night musical event that winds up briefly after 04:00 AM and the reason is that the Sun starts to rise. People can enjoy this festival in many different ways such as while eating their favourite food, lying down on the floor and so on. The set of this rock festival is also mesmerizing the setting of Hokkaido, several food stalls or shops, and many other fascinating things.

Rising Sun Rock Festival 2022 Start Date & Time

There are many musical artists who come here for their performances which makes the musical night more beautiful to remember. The rock festival started on Friday, 12th August 2022 and concluded on Saturday, 13th August 2022. The exact location of the event was Stage next to Tarugawa Pier which is located at the New Port of Ishikari. The video clips and the photos of the event are presently making rounds all over the web and we can watch the enthusiasm of the fans as well as the artists. The ground was full of crowds and the artists were giving their magical performances. Now the event is over the fans are waiting for the next year.


RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL 2022 In Ezo  Start Date   Time  Venue  List Of Events  Video   Clips   More  - 31RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL 2022 In Ezo  Start Date   Time  Venue  List Of Events  Video   Clips   More  - 21